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30-day Roadmap To JEE Main 2020

roadmap to jee main

30 days, THIRTY days – that’s all that’s left before JEE Main 2020 meets you face to face. Are you scared or feeling nervous?

If yes, then it’s a normal thing. Being nervous is good because it’s a natural human instinct. If you don’t feel nervous, then there’s an issue to be addressed.

However, we know that it’s just 1 whole month left to the biggest exam of them all – JEE Main 2020 and nervousness is expected. But we’re here to take care of your that and help you maximise these 30 days for your preparation.

And for that purpose, we’ve figured out a 30-day roadmap which could prove really useful to make the most out of the remaining time.

WATCH: Last-month preparation tips for JEE Main

The 30-day Roadmap

First of all, the preparation tactics should change a bit from the usual manner because it’s prime time now. The preparation must become smarter and more aggressive.

Let’s break the 30 days into two segments: the first 25 days and the last 5 days! After that, as per your understanding and practice, divide chapters of each subject in 3 categories:

  1. Well studied
  2. Half studied
  3. Least studied

Now, it’s time to divide these categories further:

  1. Those chapters that you have ‘Half-studied’ should be studied first with 40% of the total time.
  2. Then the least studied chapters with 30% of the time and
  3. Then the remaining well-studied chapters in the last 30% of the time.

The Notebook Trick

This is one great trick that you can adopt in these last 30 days. It’s advisable to make 4 kinds of notebooks for each subject and call them notebook A, notebook B, notebook C, and notebook D.

How does this help? Let’s find out by understanding the purpose of making all these notebooks:

  1. Notebook A: Whenever students find a topic that they are still struggling with, it would be a great idea to write the important formulas, rules, and one example of that in NOTEBOOK A of each subject. There’s one simple division that you need to do in this notebook, i.e., take all the chapters of each subject and divide them into:

Once you have done that, you can draw an everyday study plan, wherein you’d cover:

  1. Notebook B: It’s high time that you solve mock tests regularly without fail. You must set a particular time to solve the paper so that your body gets used to taking the paper at 3 hours. After solving the paper, you have to go through the results of the test taken. You will get detailed analytics of the tests you take, and you’re definitely going to learn at least a few new ways of handling problems.
    Write all those new ways of solving a question at a separate place and name it notebook B. Then, every time you attempt a test, you’ll remember a new way to solve a particular question.
  2. Notebook C: You’re bound to make mistakes when you take tests, mistakes like calculation, wrong interpretation, etc. So, every time you take a test on myPAT, note down the silly mistakes in the NOTEBOOK C. Before you go to sleep, take a look at the notebook once! This way you’ll be able to remove 20–25 silly mistakes this month. Knowing your mistakes will help you overcome them and be ready for the final exam.
  3. Notebook D:  It isn’t really a notebook, but you can make long charts for:

Paste all these on your walls. Read all of them daily before going to bed. You won’t forget it before you enter college.

Dos and Don’ts

Following are some important dos and don’ts in the last 30 days:

Dos: Know the most important topics -yes, it is important to prioritize, whether you have revised the topics earlier or not. JEE is not just about hard work, but also smart work. If you have revised earlier, studying the important class topics will further solidify your concepts for JEE. Here is a list of chapters in PCM that you can’t afford leave without revising:

Physics Chemistry Mathematics
Heat and thermodynamics S-Block Limits continuity and differentiability
Waves P-block Trigonometry
Electrodynamics D- block Vectors and 3d
Currents and alternating currents Coordinate Chemistry Coordinate Geometry
Modern physics Reaction Mechanism and Isomerism Integral Calculus

Don’ts: DON’T start with anything new. In these last crucial days, cover the most important chapters that are highly likely to come in the exam. Don’t take up chapters that you’ve learned very well earlier. When you are preparing for an exam like JEE, avoid distractions, especially in the last month.

Apart from all this, the last 5 days should be a cool-off period where you don’t need to exhaust yourself into studies. Keep calm, and don’t be nervous. These are the things you must keep in mind:

To sum it up, these 30 days can make or break it for you but never forget that it’s just an exam at the end of the day. Your life doesn’t depend on it. The best part about JEE now is that if this attempt doesn’t go well, you can always reattempt in the April session wherein you can improve your results.

So, give your best and remember that hard work pays off. All the very best, champions!

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