How can schools ease the learning experience for students?

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How can schools personalize the learning experience for students?

A learning experience is different for every student. Therefore, the approach teachers require to teach every student must be different. When there are more than 50 students in one class, teachers must focus on every student and help them achieve their academic goals. Today, teachers require certain help to help students realize their strengths and emerge victorious in life. 

Here we have listed certain tips that teachers can follow to help their students and personalize the learning experience.

Tell students to Set Goals for Themselves

When an individual has a will to achieve something from the inside, no one can resist achieving the set objective. This fact can be rightly utilized by teachers. Rather than setting goals for students, teachers must tell them to set their own goals and try to achieve them within the prescribed deadline. This way students get motivated in a huge way to achieve the goals they have set for themselves. But for this to be successful teachers must keep an eye on the goal students set for themselves. As sometimes they might set goals that are over or under their academic requirement.

SWOT Analysis

Teachers must encourage students to analyze their Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.  This way they can learn by self-analyzing their weak concepts and they’ll realize where they require to put extra effort.

Formative Assessments

Regular formative assessments play a major role when it comes to personalizing the learning experience. This way teachers get to know the weak students and the concepts where most students are under-performing. After analyzing the problem, they can work on solutions effectively.

Give projects and Assignments to Students

When students take projects and assignments, they get an opportunity to work on the topic in depth. This gives them a larger perspective about the topic, and this behaves like learning in itself.

Turn your lectures into Interactive Sessions

Our lecturers often get monotonous when we turn preachy while teaching. The best way to engage students in class is to ask them questions in between the lectures. If they have any queries, they can raise them. Asking frequent questions makes sessions more interactive. Through this teacher also gets to know who has understood the concept and who hasn’t.

Personally Connect with Parents

It’s very important for teachers to connect with parents frequently. Apart from just connecting with parents during Parent-Teacher Meetings, they should connect with parents over call and WhatsApp messages. If any student is going through a serious learning issue, then connecting with parents can be a real help for the student.

Make Use of EdTech

Technology has evolved the education industry in a true sense. Today by making use of technology teachers can easily teach any concept to students. All information is available at the click of the button with hundreds of illustrations. This can be used smartly by teachers to personalize the learning experience for students.

Make use of an Effective Assessment Tool

An effective online assessment tool like myPAT can help teachers in a huge way to personalize their experience with students. This way they’ll realize who are slow learners and where they require to put extra focus. Such tools can be of huge help when the strength of the class is over 50 students and knowing every student personally becomes a task.

These methods can surely help teachers to personalize teaching experience and achieve the academic goal of their students and themselves. So, let’s follow these and let us know how these methods were fruitful for you?

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