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6 Ways of Strategic Planning for JEE Advanced Preparation

jee main preparation tips

The JEE Advanced exam is a way to one of India’s prestigious engineering colleges, the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT). In a recent update, the National Testing Agency (NTA) announced that JEE Advanced 2021 exam is postponed because of the covid-19 pandemic. 

A few weeks ago April and May sessions of JEE Main 2021 got postponed because of the surge in covid-19 cases. This is always a bad phase for aspirants when they are preparing hard for an entrance exam and it gets postponed. But looking at the current situation of the country this decision is for the safety of students. 

Now aspirants have more time to revise the subjects and topics they have prepared. In the below infographic we have shared some tips which can help you with your JEE Advanced preparation and crack the way to get admission into one of the IITs – 

1. Avoid Studying from Complex Books

Many students and teachers may suggest books that are a little more difficult to understand. Although these books may be written by well-known authors, when preparing on your own, refer to the book that is most comfortable for you. That’s why focus mainly on NCERT books and keep yourself away from scary books. 

Use books written in simple language. Also, make certain that it includes mocks, exercises, and practice papers. This way, you’ll be able to prepare in a wholesome manner for JEE Advanced.

2, Solve Previous Years’ Question Papers

Apart from your best friends who can help you in JEE Advanced preparation, previous years’ papers are also your best friends when it comes to boosting your preparation. 

Candidates can learn about the exam’s difficulty level, subject weightage, and much more as a result of solving previous years’ papers. As you complete each topic, try to solve the related questions that have already been asked in JEE Advanced before. You’ll never get a bigger boost than the one you get after answering a few previously asked questions.

3. Follow Toppers’ Advice

Following JEE toppers’ advice and tips could prove to be a great addition to your preparation. As they’ve been there and done that before, their suggestions can make a big difference. Reading about their IIT journey, watching their interviews, and following their social media pages can be quite beneficial and motivating for all aspirants. Also, almost all toppers agree that taking JEE Advanced mock tests is also quite critical to achieving success in the exam.

4. Make Notes & Revise from Them

Making notes throughout the preparation helps during the revision process. You can go through all your notes during the last phase of your preparation, rather than scrolling through the books all over again. As you practice this habit of making regular notes, you will be able to retain what you are learning for a longer duration. Also, these notes will come in handy while doing a speed study before the last stages of the exam.

Watch Video – How to make notes for IIT-JEE? Top 4 tips by Ex-IITian

5. Study Smartly and Work Hard

There is no substitute for hard work. For the national level entrance exam, however, it would be beneficial if you combined hard work with smart work. Mark the relevant chapters in the syllabus and concentrate all of your attention on acing those chapters first to be able to plan smartly. Later, move on to the low-priority chapters. 

Aside from that, examine which topics you are improving in and which need more improvement and then prepare accordingly. This is how you can prepare smartly, yet effectively for JEE Advanced.

6. Better Time Management

It’s not unknown that time management is one of the most crucial factors during JEE Advanced preparation. If you don’t learn to manage your time, you won’t be able to sail through the JEE storm. You should study with a goal in mind. You should be able to solve 100-120 questions in two hours if you are well-prepared. The importance of time management during the exam cannot be overstated. Mock tests will assist you in learning time management and improving your accuracy.


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