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IIT JEE Preparation-5 Things You Should Never do!

IIT JEE Preparation-5 Things You Should Never do!

Preparing for IIT JEE can be nerve-wracking… yeah, we get it.

After all, who likes to be under a scanner for two long years and continuously being asked about test performances, scores, and ranks. That too, for IIT JEE, which is one of the toughest exams in the country.

But when you are ready to put in all the hard work, there is no reason you should remain content by being just an IIT aspirant. The ultimate goal is to be an IITian, no matter what!

In order to be successful, you have to be better than all the other (equally capable) aspirants. It is extremely important not to commit the mistakes which 97.2% IIT JEE aspirants do – Read the complete article if you’re want to outperform your competitors.

Your primary goal when preparing for JEE Main & JEE Advanced should be to do something that makes you stand out from all the other aspirants vying for it. You’ve got to implement a fool-proof preparation strategy which other candidates often fail to. Keep all distractions aside and do your very best to get ahead in the race.

To hold you tight over the right track, we have dug deeper and our research has revealed some more common mistakes that IIT JEE aspirants commit which you should definitely not.

1. Biased preparation strategy

Did you know? 5 out of every 6 JEE aspirants fall prey to faulty preparation strategy, resulting in disastrous performance.

Students tend to be biassed towards their favorite subject, and hence end up devoting more time and energy only to one or two specific sections. They try to enhance their confidence by solving questions from the stronger sections. Although this helps them to master these sections, it also creates a huge imbalance in their overall preparation which is one of the biggest reasons for their failure.

By following this faulty preparation strategy, they often are unable to identify and focus on their weaker sections and thus score low in the actual exam where all the sections have equal weightage.

Adapting an unbiased study approach and following it religiously is very important. The use of a smart online learning platform often helps students to identify their weaker areas and highlight the stronger ones simultaneously.

Personalized test insights based on artificial intelligence-driven powerful analytics on the online mock test engine helps you identify exactly what to focus on. Thereby enabling a complete 360-degree preparation approach for one of India’s toughest exams.

2. Relying a bit too much on self-study

Of course, cracking IIT JEE is possible by doing self-study. There are numerous instances wherein students have grabbed top ranks by choosing not to seek any external help – no coaching, no tuitions. But, it’s an arduous task. One wrong step and you can easily get stuck in the rattrap.

It is always advisable to equip yourself with smart JEE preparation tools to make sure you’re not missing out on anything which may hamper your test performance.

Seeking external help will certainly make things easier for you. Be it planning your study schedule or identifying the areas that you need to focus more on, it is always better to seek guidance rather than burdening yourself with the herculean task of figuring it out all on your own.

Now that IIT JEE is completely online, seeking help from such online portals will help you a great deal in getting ready for the online exam format.

3. Locking yourself up in the name of self-study

Often, as and when exams approach near, students avoid attending the classes and lock themselves up in a room for self-study. The sole purpose for the same is to avoid all distractions and many time-consuming activities (even traveling to classes is perceived as one) so that maximum time can be optimally utilized. Well, to a certain extent, it holds true. It indeed helps you save your precious time. But, it only makes a difference when you use that saved time wisely.

Spending long hours in a closed room trying to focus on your studies is usually the plan. But, does it happen in real?

Not really, rather monotony takes over in no time. And you rarely realize how checking social media, chatting, taking a nap, watching a TV series, or playing games during study breaks extends your recreation a bit too long, leaving you with no advantage of this saved time. The flip side is you become demotivated and feel like giving up when you realize that the output is not as you expected it to be.

One way to avoid such situations is to use online preparation tools which help you break the monotony and ensure that your self-study plan is on the right track.

If you think that stepping out of the room can kill your productivity and waste your precious time, you may seek help from online JEE preparation portals. Rather than getting distracted and sucked into game/tv series, you can take online mock tests in a simulated JEE environment with the exact same screen, same marking scheme, and similar difficulty level.

4. Not preparing for the D-Day

Knowing the answers and attempting them correctly in the examination hall when you’re under extreme pressure is altogether different. The most common experience students share after their exam is that they got blank during the exam. Brainfade as Steve Smith once coined. Remember?

It is a very common story – “I had studied all the topics, but I remembered nothing during the exam”. So, exam anxiety is one big factor that affects your exam performance. Hence, it is advised that you take plenty of mock tests and solve previous years’ papers to get familiar with the exam pattern.

An added benefit of taking online mock tests in a real test environment is that it gets you ready for the exam day. Testing yourself in a simulated JEE environment with the exact same test screen, marking scheme, question paper pattern, and difficulty level help you brace yourself for the BIG day.

Also, during the last 15 days before the exam, you should take these mock tests in the same time slot as your actual exam. This will help your body clock to get adjusted to the D-Day and you will be able to perform better.

5. Trying too much & too many things all at the same time

The common saying, “The more the merrier” does not hold good when it comes to choosing the right IIT JEE preparation books. You will only burden yourself with too many reference books. The sane approach is to start from NCERT and one or two other reference books which are comprehensive enough to make you understand the basics behind each concept.

Also, don’t try to cover more chapters in a shorter period of time, it might not yield desirable results. When you try to cover all the chapters/concepts without grasping a firm command of each and every one of them, it is of no use.

JEE tests your core understanding of the concepts and till the time you don’t become proficient, you won’t be able to solve questions. So, whenever you prepare a chapter or a concept, try to dig deeper. Practice the same by taking concept tests to test your level of preparation before moving on to the next topic.

Focus on EFFECTIVE and EFFICIENT preparation instead of reducing the count of chapters to prepare for the next day.

In fact, spend your time wisely and take as many mock tests as possible.

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