10 Effective Strategies To Nail the Telesales

4 min read

10 Effective strategies to nail the Telesales

1 – Get your mindset right

Educational Sales calling is a lot easier if your head is in the right place. Have faith in yourself, and in the product or service you’re selling, and you’ll be excited to make that call. Look at it like you’re doing the voice presentation by calling them to speak about your product, use  I’m all about setting goals, and counsel right about your stream and goal. If customer follows my advice and set goals for the year, will definitely be better.

It will remind you that making those difficult calls is a primary contributing factor to you achieving those goals and having the life you dream of. Now, go and do it.

We all have little systems that work for us. Find yours and use it.

2 – Connect customer on time & well prepared!

If you find it hard to actually get hold of your decision-makers, maybe you’re not connecting right or at on right time.

Many times lesser connectivity at the start of the day streams energy a lot lower for rest of the day, how to fix it? the answer is KYC gets to the office early before 10 am as many times Indian customers usually get connected, or try to pattern proof the routine of basic schedule and try to connect during their free hours.

Either way, you should be proactive in understanding the connectivity and maximizing the call volume. It sets you up for the day and puts you in a positive state of mind. It also warms up your vocal cords and gets your brain functioning. Set that understanding early, and get going.

If you’re taking the trouble to get in the right amount of connected calls, make sure you spend the time of lower connectivity in actually making calls to the one proposed the time of call back.

Prepare your list of prospects, with names, numbers, and any other relevant information the afternoon or before. Make sure they’re the decision-makers or the right audience.

4 – Don’t go it alone

If you can, try to get comfortable with the senior of your team to do calling with you. Sit next to them while you’re doing it.

For a start, if the person sitting next to you is on the phone and talking, they can’t hear what you’re doing, so it eliminates any embarrassment factor.

Secondly, you can make it a competition, and that is highly motivating. Whoever gets the most sales done should share the best practices

5 – Get a good start

Once you’re actually on the call and through to your decision-maker, it’s important to get a good start. You only get one shot at a first impression hence MAKE MOST OF IT!

Think of how you sound on the phone. In this situation, you want to sound confident, clear, articulate, and trustworthy. Demonstrate your credibility by asking a pertinent question or displaying a bit of inside knowledge. Build rapport.

If you start your call well, you’ll find your groove, and your nerves will disappear.

6 – Don’t go straight for a Sale!

Never launch straight into your pitch as soon as your prospect answers the phone. The prospect won’t appreciate it, and there is no chance it will end well. Considering the amount of marketing calls one receives every day, be polite, be specific, and right on point.

Ask permission for their time. This shows respect, but also it shows that you respect yourself.

‘Please may I share a couple of minutes of your time to tell you about the purpose of the call?’

Pause and wait for a yes, but assume it’s going to be a no.

If they say no, make light of it. Something like, ‘I totally understand your time help me with the right time to call you back, do not rush to perception building or judgment about that call without having the right words with the customer.

7 – Keep your pitch short and sweet

When you get to the pitch stage of the call, keep it short. The whole call should take less than 5-10 minutes, so work out how much time you have left when you start to elaborate product. You may have N number of reason to sell but you should understand what customer requires to hear as per there needs and requirement.

Work out the key points of your pitch in advance, and work your way through them. Check with the caller that they’re understanding the benefits of a product you are selling. Tag signals during the conversation (tone of caller/involvement in call) and settle with the decision at first.

8 – Don’t go for the impulsive results!

Just like launching straight into the pitch, asking for a result in the first minute of a call is a complete no-no. Like R You interested, would you like to know more, these are open-ended statements and may bring negative results.

The goal of your first call should be to create buzz hype and curiosity however on follow-up, where you can take a bit longer, around 15 minutes, to explain your offering in more detail.

Sale is a process. At each stage of the process you’re asking for permission to spend more time with your prospect, and take them deeper into your sales funnel. In the next call, you will discover more, and qualify your prospect further as you know them better.

9 – Make a Summary of the Call.

Take notes as you go through the call. Take notes of everything you can. Even if a piece of info the prospect gives you seems irrelevant at a time, it will probably come in useful later.

Use your notes to recall information such as call tagging, a summary of calls, and remarks if anything specific you noticed, which makes you appear more professional. People like salespeople who listen and remember what they heard.

10 – Follow-up

Lastly, make sure you follow up with the prospect once you’ve finished the call. Send them an email thanking them for their time and interesting facts about the product or maybe the help they will get once they will buy, summarizing what you’ve already agreed. Also, remember to connect with them on the communication channel by sharing your email/contact. It makes you appear professional and involved in the process. It may also stop them from forgetting what they’ve agreed with you.

Above are the basic steps but still effective ways to get the best out of your skills by using them regularly in your system.

I have seen the different point of view of people towards calling jobs and customer-centric channels In recent times, I am with revenue generation and customer services since years and believes Telecommunication is still one of the premium channels for businesses to promote business and generate revenue. and the most important thing is that one must be able to get into the shoes of the customers and then think of solutions. You must be able to convince people and gain their trust by being loyal about offering. This requires a lot of patience and creativity. Hence, this is not the cup of tea for all short-tempered and introverted people. But if you have a good team to motivate you, you will be able to accustom to the day-day scenarios and face this challenge like any other work profile.

Sales are something purely skill based and maybe your credentials, education of the highest calibre may fail to deliver in this domain however still this is one channel that assures your growth and stability if you adapt to the crux of the system, believe in the skills, and execute them well passionately.

Anyways, Love what you do and do what you love.

Mayank Gubrele

Head Consumer Sales & Operations ,myPAT


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